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Hüseyin ERÇIN
Huseyin Ercin

YEARS of stability and experience: Hüseyin Erçin




years of stability and experience: Hüseyin Erçin

hairistcomtr: To  what do you owe your professional success?

Huseyin Ercin: There is nothing without love. I have never done anything without discipline and love. Maybe I got into this job by accident, but I loved my job. As I loved it, I worked on that job from a wider perspective. All these years: We have been a brand in the Istanbul market since 1966. Being a brand in Turkey is a process that requires patience, dedication, hard work and innovative thoughts. Being a brand in Turkey is not easy. People want to develop something in a very short time. But being a brand is something that takes effort and patience. If you give this effort and patience, you will catch something, but you have to be very patient and work very disciplined. Your relations with customers should always be on a certain line. That line should never be broken.

hairistcomtr:  How do you interpret the change that has taken place since you entered the profession?

Hüseyin Erçin:  The job is to keep up with this changing fashion and changing age. Of course, as the fashion world changes, you have to keep up with that world so that you can survive. We should not say, "What was that period, this period was different" artistically. In fact, every era has its own beauties. Every era has its beauties in our industry. The goal is to catch these beauties anyway.

There will be some differences between the generations in every respect. Today we experience this even with our own children. The job is to catch it. If you can catch the trends in our profession and present this to your customers with a changer spirit, you will be happy. The Istanbul market is a bit cruel, you will always look from a wide window to survive and you will have the spirit of change.

hairistcomtr:  Let's talk about tutorials. Where do you think the place of education in the sector is? How can the hairdresser improve himself?

Hüseyin Erçin:  In order for a hairdresser to improve himself, he must first love his profession. It has to be a lot of research. In Turkey, the educational status of the hairdresser profession is not fully developed, but it has come a long way compared to the past. It is also a good thing to provide trainings supported by brands.

Due to the recent changes in the education system in Turkey, people who will be interested in the profession have become rare. Maybe not just because of the education system. The interest of the society in this profession has decreased. All of a sudden, there was almost no qualified staff in the market. This is from the apprentice to the master. People have commercialized hairdressing too much. There was a lack of love. More than hairdressers who love their profession, hairdressers who want to make money in the market have sprung up. It should not be a hairdresser who makes hair cheaply to earn from the version. Regardless of the branch of art, the artist should be rewarded for his work. Otherwise things will be simple.

It is necessary for all hairdressers to follow the constant changes. Innovations, magazines, cinema, theater… He has to follow everything and be a researcher all the time so that he can add something to himself. He can be inspired not only by a hairstyle in a magazine, but also in a play. The woman on the street or in the restaurant can also inspire him.


hairistcomtr:  What do you think about the adaptation of the industry to the digital age and the social network posts made by hairdressers?

Hüseyin Erçin:  These are the returns of the age and it is necessary to keep up with the times. Indeed, we should all catch up with all the innovations brought by the age as a generation. It would be absurd to think otherwise. If Çağ wants this, you will catch him, or he will throw you in nits. The market destroys you if you lag behind. Even catching it by the end is a success in my opinion. Not everyone can actively use social media, but they should understand.

hairistcomtr:  How should the hairdresser's relationship with the customers be?

Huseyin Ercin: The hairdresser must establish a very good dialogue with his client. means hairdresser; It means psychologist. Hairdresser means to understand the psychology of the person in front of you. He has to talk to him, he has to listen to his demands, and after listening to him, he has to offer something. It has to catch that frequency. Hairdressers need to understand women in the best way. Because women deserve it. The hairdresser must be a good listener. After listening, he has to blend it with his own ideas and present it to his customer. Our women in Turkey get tired when they go to the hairdresser. She cannot sit down and talk to the hairdresser about the hair she wanted for that day or the scenario of a hair she wanted specifically for that day before the procedure. The hairdresser is also hasty. The customer may not have time to go. Because he neither listens nor explains.

hairistcomtr:  Do you care about living room decoration? Do you think the halls should be renovated?

Hüseyin Erçin:  Of course, it needs to be renewed. We have renewed it maybe 60 times since 66. The halls have become simpler than before. More hygienic, plain, white looks began to gain importance. For one thing, we don't have very big halls in the city anymore. Rental costs have skyrocketed. There may be larger salons on the outskirts of the city, but here, in the inner part of the city, what hairdresser can afford such high rents?

If we compare the halls with the old one; simpler, more sterile, whiter. Before, halls were furnished with colorful decoration materials. Now we are simpler, simpler, and as hairdressers, we have all turned towards this simplicity.

hairistcomtr:  What do you think about hairdressing schools and school employees?

Hüseyin Erçin:  We have been working with a school in our hall for a long time. Those who are enthusiastic and those who prefer already go to the school of this business. That's why we started working with the school. Since we started working with the school, I am even more satisfied because she receives a different education there, she receives a different education here and combines them. At the beginning of education, school is a must. I want schools to train more serious, better staff. Years ago, I myself taught at a vocational high school for a year without any charge. I just did this to contribute to the profession and give something to the young people. Working with young people excites us. It is exciting to be able to teach them something.

hairistcomtr: What  kind of future do you think awaits Turkish hairdressing?

Hüseyin Erçin:  I cannot say that the industry is regressing. In the sector, the generation coming from below always carries the sector forward. This is a wheel. I hope the next generation will take this wheel in better directions. Because in our profession, there is very little branding and institutionalization. I wish our people would carry that philosophy, I wish it would become a brand and the new generation would continue this brand conflict and carry the brand forward. Then I would be proud as a colleague.

We have been working since 66. We do not know what will happen tomorrow, I hope the next generation will carry this brand. Some professions cannot be inherited. In particular, art can never be inherited. The love and love of that new generation for this profession will definitely take hairdressing to a good place in Turkey and I hope it will take it to a good place. If only there were right minds and right thoughts to carry our profession up three or five steps in every generation...

hairistcomtr:  Which processes did you like to apply most in your profession?

Hüseyin Erçin:  Every profession has various parts. Not every person can be perfect in every branch of that profession. There are parts of those branches that he likes or likes very much. This can be a haircut, perm, dye, bun, but she leans more towards her favorite branch and her success rate is a little higher. That doesn't mean it will fail in other branches. It does other operations as well, but the branch it likes comes to the fore.

My more prominent transactions are; my haircuts and perms. I enjoy all kinds of cutting. I try to cut hair like drawing a picture. I still work 10 hours, 11 hours a day. I don't know how much longer I will work, but I will continue to work until the end. Art is something different, you have to live it. Art cannot be sold, so I still work 10 hours.

hairistcomtr:  Let's talk about your business side.

Hüseyin Erçin:  Business administration or hairdresser business in Turkey has come to a very good level in recent years. But we hairdressers still lack the qualifications of operators. Our artistic side is more. I have to be satisfied while performing that job. It's not the money that matters, it's my job.

hairistcomtr:  You mentioned your travels abroad. How often did you study abroad?

Hüseyin Erçin:  Except for the last three or five years, I attended training abroad almost every year. I can say this: I've been going every year for 40 years. I go to expand my window, my horizon, my perspective on the world, to see the trends in the world, to see the trends in the street. But metropolises all over the world have changed now. In the past, we used to leave the fashion show and watch a second fashion show on the street. People no longer have this sense of street chic. They used to care more. I don't mean to say 'it's completely lost' when I say this, but what used to be nine out of ten, now five out of ten.

hairistcomtr:  What do you think about Estetica Magazine?

Hüseyin Erçin:  We were a generation that brought the magazine and even the material from outside. I used to carry magazines in suitcases from my trips abroad. From that period to this period, our industry in Turkey has come to a good point. Of course, in this sense, Estetica Magazine has come to a good point as a press. I wish we had magazines like Estetica with a few more different trends. We are on a good track. Are we moving fast, no. But we are slowly improving. I always say that many journals like Estetica should be followed and followed.

hairistcomtr:  What do you think about the HAIRiST Hairdresser of the Year Contest?

Hüseyin Erçin:  Competitions should always be held and with a good organization. I also went to HAIRiST for years. Competitions should always be held because such organizations motivate and stimulate the youth. This should not be abandoned. We should also encourage our colleagues who will enter the competition. Because that enthusiasm seems to be decreasing day by day.

hairistcomtr: Running  a hairdressing salon in Nişantaşı?

Hüseyin Erçin:  It is not easy to run a hairdresser in Nişantaşı. Because I am Yeşilköy, Suadiye, Nişantaşı… I was a business owner in certain parts of Istanbul. I've closed some of them now, but I know the Nişantaşı potential client and they are women who know what they want. Therefore, if you establish a good dialogue with them as a hairdresser, the business is easy, but you have to establish that dialogue and present your artistic data specific to Nişantaşı.

hairistcomtr:  Do you have a message you want to give to the new generation?

Hüseyin Erçin:  Young people should work tirelessly and continuously and be researchers. They must do their work with great love. If he entered this profession, if he is going to practice this profession, if he can become an artist in this profession, he should not get bored and think commercially. Being an artist is one thing. If they try, very good names can come out of them and I believe they can succeed.



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88 kez okundu


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